Friday, March 11, 2016

Mini Easter Egg Dog Cakes Have Arrived!

I have been working on these for weeks! I am so particular about which egg design I wanted to use!
I finally decided on some zig zags and sprinkles (which I'm obsessed with). I am of the mind that sprinkles make anything better......cupcakes...donuts...cookies...whatever...

The cake ingredients are all natural and super fresh. I even grind my own wheat flour! Then I dunk them in all natural yogurt frosting (but I use artificial color) then drizzle some adorably pink icing over them and top it off with SPRINKLES!

 These are the perfect size at about 4". They can either be one serving or several. I split mine into fourths for my four fur-babies for a bite sized snack. But for a special occasion they each got their own :)

And they are delicious! The cake itself is superb. I eat it myself because it is so delicious! Molly agrees! I can't keep these around the house because she smells them and barks incessantly!
You can't go wrong with all natural peanut butter, honey and cinnamon.

 And of course, I personally think packaging says it all so I made sure these are no exception with this precious polka-dotted purple ribbon to tie it all up.

They are $15! Hurry! Place your orders by March 19th to make sure you receive it in time for Easter!!