Thursday, July 28, 2016

My Favorite Cruelty Free Products Right Now

So I have recently been educated on the inner workings of animal testing and just how unnecessary and outdated the process is. Then became aware the very common practice of testing on beagles! Beagles!!!!

Change is hard....
Now, if you are like me, there are cases you want to get behind, but it can make life inconvenient or it isn't convenient to find another alternative!
Beagle Freedom Project has made is SUPER easy to find out if your most beloved beauty, cleaning and other supplies are cruelty free/tested on animals or not. Just download the app and use it's barcode scanner to scan your makeup/toothpaste/cleaner's barcode and find out if it is cruelty free or not.

Bad news....
Now beware, most of your products are not going to be cruelty free. So get ready for change. BUT, the good news is that SOOOO many products are available, they are great and they are cruelty free!

My favs right now...

My Favorite Cruelty Free Body Lotion:
Pro: This is one I scanned and was so excited when it said it was cruelty free! The scent is perfectly light and feminine. It is also rich and thick, not watery. Korres Body Butter, Jasmine.
Con: This lotion is expensive, so I only ask for it for my birthday and Christmas.

Great similar cruelty free brands that can be found at Target and Drug Stores: Yes To, SheaMoisture, Pacifica, Burts Bees

My Favorite Cruelty Free Cleaner:
Pro: LOVE METHOD! We were big Clorox people around my house. With four dogs, we practically bought stock in the brand. But once we saw Clorox is NOT cruelty free, we made the switch and I love Method products. They smell SO GOOD! Which also is helpful when one has four dogs. It is important to note, I chose this one because it is also ANTIBACTERIAL which is important to me.
Con: Expensive for cleaner. Same as Clorox Everywhere but when you use it as much as we do, it adds up. 

My Favorite Cruelty Free Sunless Tanner:
I hate summer. Because it exposed my whiteness. In the winter, I can do a pretty good job covering it up and making you think it doesn't exist. I can pull my hair forward to cover most of my neck and apply a nice amount of make up and feel pretty great. But summer exposes it....and it's terrible. If you want to know about the circulatory system, you an see it working through my arms and legs. Anyway, I found this on Instagram of all places and I ordered it and I really like it.
Pro: I hate standing in front of a fan drying and of course hate streaks. I find this dries easily and you can actually see it when you put it on, therefore you can see if you will have streaks or not's cruelty free! Loving Tan.
Now this is NOT on the app, but the bottle says it is not tested on animals, so it's still a WIN!
Con: It is pretty dramatic for white people. If you just put it one place and not all over, it definitely looks like you just put tanner on your legs and nowhere else. I would really like to have an even lighter option for us really really pale people. #palepeopleproblems

 Favorite Cruelty Free Lip Balms:
Sugar is expensive, I'll admit it. Another birthday/Christmas gift. I also love a local company called Bumble and Pine. I bought some of their lip balm at a fair last year and I just love it.
Sugar Pro: But it lasts me for 6 months until I need it again and it is heavenly. There is a reason it is expensive. fresh is a great brand committed to the elimination of animal testing.
Sugar Con: Expensive, that's all I got, otherwise it's amazing.
Bumble and Pine Pro: Natural as natural can be. Literally made by the people who sell it. Some lip balm deteriorates or gets clumpy after awhile, this does not. So fresh!
Bumble and Pine Con: I didn't buy enough last time, looking forward to the next craft fair to get more.

I am trying out more and more cruelty free products all the time! I will be posting as often as I can telling the pros and cons of everything I try!

Let me know what you are trying and loving!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2016